Our concept to deliver Gum Acacia straight
from the farmers is unique
Let the next generation SMILE .
We believe that our activities we started are a beginning for the benefits of the next generations. These are some of the activities we do with our corporate social responsibility:
We contribute to food security by paying fair prices to the farmers. This increases their income and enables them to buy enough food for their families. With our training we help them to increase the quality of the gum, which can give them even higher prices on the markets.
Through village nurseries we pay women for nursing the saplings. This gives more income for their families. In the nursery women can grow also other trees or vegetables which increases the local food security.
From our social return we pay for projects concerning water, like deep wells, pumps and elevated storage tanks. We negotiate with the local water management for restoring wells and creating water extension pipelines.

No Poverty
In Sudan 33% of the people are living under the poverty line. We give farmers a fair price which is at least market price plus 10%.
Zero Hunger
Part of our training is to show how people can use agroforestry and plant other crops like grains and vegetables between their acacia trees.
Gender Equality
We promote gender equality for new jobs in our factories and in the field. Especially in our nurseries over 80% is women.
Decent work & economic growth
Our factories and nurseries create jobs for youth (current unemployment youth is over 25%) and raises economic growth of local communities.
Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
Most of the small holders use traditional ways of farming. We introduce short supply chains and train them on innovative ways for agriculture.
Climate Action
With the small holders we build a green deck by planting acacia trees and intercropping. This reduces CO2, gives more rain to the areas and causes lower temperatures at the forests.
More about our sustainability partners
In cooperation with our partners, we can impact the world even more.

Chemometric Brain


Fair Agro Food
Fair Agro Food
Our sister concept on video
Fair-Agro-Food introduces agroforestry and agro-economy. We provide seeds and training to the smallholders to grow guar and grains among their trees. Guar is a healthy bean with high fiber and is at the same time a natural fertilizer. This causes the trees to have a higher production and at the same time fertilizes the soil for other crops.
We buy the guar and the grains for a fair price from the smallholders and process it into guar food powder and healthy flour. This gives the smallholders more sources of income and increases food security.
From our benefits 20% is invested in the community as social return. Projects will be initiated concerning water, health and education.