Our impact

We have long term impact on small holders in Sudan by next areas:


Better income for small holders because of more sources of income, fair prices and increase of production of existing sources.


More youth at work in villages. More gender equality. More community responsibilities.


More green deck. More rain. Reduce CO2.

Achieve SDG

Together with our partners we work on the Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations to be reached in 2030.

We are glad to help!

To reach us you can find us at the following locations:
Rotterdam, The Netherlands


Stationsplein 45 unit A4.004
3013 AK, Rotterdam
The Netherlands

General Terms and Conditions

West Eldaium – Khartoum
Mohammed Najeib Street, Block no 8A, Building no 21, 5th floor, apartment no 5. Khartoum, Sudan.


Or send us your questions / messages below:


General questions